Friday, July 23, 2004

wat are we?

sorrie ... forgot to post for past few days

anywayz here goes

was toking to my classmate daniel wong abt some shit

den somehow we strayed to the topic on LOBOTOMY

and he brought to light dis syndrome call the Alien Hand Syndrome, which some people contract after going thru lobotomy

which is pretty scary wat happens is dat ur hand will juz bring themselves to ur throat and den strangle urself to death

dat made me wonder

why would u kill urself

UNLESS that urself is not the true urself

unless there is another entity in ur mind

unless u r essentially 2 minds....1 dominant and 1 recessive, dominant controlling over the recessive and preventing it from taking control

when u undergo lobotomy, part of ur brain gets removed or disconnected from the rest of the brain

dat might have broken some sort of a over-riding circuit in ur brain that the higher entity forced onto the lower entity

supposing the higher entity controls the intellectual part of us, while the lower entity controls the physical part

dat will explain why when after lobotomy, after removing that control that the higher entity in our brain has over the lower entity in our brain, they will start to lose control of their hands and start to strangle themselves

so essentially dat means we r 2 beings

which might be quite true

i have a feeling

maybe we were originally parasites dat juz took over the bodies of some dumblooking apes to survive

den after millions of years

the parasites formed a symbiotic relationship with the apes

and then over time, parasites can't live without apes and so can't apes live without parasites

it might actually work out coz the parasites actually help the apes survive longer due to higher intelligience and thus is evolutionary beneficial to the apes

after all

eukaryotic cells are said to have originated from prokaryotic cells when some shit took over some prokaryotic cell....

why not humans too

we might not be who we think we are....


there is no spoon


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