Thursday, July 29, 2004

how did the flu bug flew?

how did the flu bug flew?

by flu-king into the fooking food


dammit...the flu is making me crazy

some gay asses are spreading flu around school

its making everyone a fool

flu is in ur food

ur food is on ur foot

ur foot is on the fool

the fool is on the flu

the flue is causing the flu

so flew the fluey flue flu

so fook the flu

and foot the food

and fook the fooking fool


Friday, July 23, 2004

wat are we?

sorrie ... forgot to post for past few days

anywayz here goes

was toking to my classmate daniel wong abt some shit

den somehow we strayed to the topic on LOBOTOMY

and he brought to light dis syndrome call the Alien Hand Syndrome, which some people contract after going thru lobotomy

which is pretty scary wat happens is dat ur hand will juz bring themselves to ur throat and den strangle urself to death

dat made me wonder

why would u kill urself

UNLESS that urself is not the true urself

unless there is another entity in ur mind

unless u r essentially 2 minds....1 dominant and 1 recessive, dominant controlling over the recessive and preventing it from taking control

when u undergo lobotomy, part of ur brain gets removed or disconnected from the rest of the brain

dat might have broken some sort of a over-riding circuit in ur brain that the higher entity forced onto the lower entity

supposing the higher entity controls the intellectual part of us, while the lower entity controls the physical part

dat will explain why when after lobotomy, after removing that control that the higher entity in our brain has over the lower entity in our brain, they will start to lose control of their hands and start to strangle themselves

so essentially dat means we r 2 beings

which might be quite true

i have a feeling

maybe we were originally parasites dat juz took over the bodies of some dumblooking apes to survive

den after millions of years

the parasites formed a symbiotic relationship with the apes

and then over time, parasites can't live without apes and so can't apes live without parasites

it might actually work out coz the parasites actually help the apes survive longer due to higher intelligience and thus is evolutionary beneficial to the apes

after all

eukaryotic cells are said to have originated from prokaryotic cells when some shit took over some prokaryotic cell....

why not humans too

we might not be who we think we are....


there is no spoon

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Who knows whether anyone has achieved light speed

what if right now...somebody....some entire race has already achieved lightspeed, whilst we r the only only people that havent?
what if right now, there is dis entire race of super speedsters dat can travel above the speed of light, and at this moment are all around us, but due to their above-light-speed, we juz can't see them?
what if right now, they are flying around us, observing us, prevented from interfering with out own passage of self-discovery towards lightspeed?
what if the dinasaurs din go extinct, they simply achieved lightspeed?
what if it wasnt the dinasaurs that achieved lightspeed, but another race that lived together with the dinasaurs during dat time, and use all the living mass of dinasaurs to provide energy to reach light speed? e=mc^2
what if we are the rejects of the part of the human race that has achieved lightspeed, the minority part of the entire human race in the galaxy that hasnt achieved lightspeed?
what if all this is juz a simulation and there is no speed limit in the galaxy?
what if ur father is me?
i'm ur father....i'm i'm ur father.....i'm ur father.....i'm i'm ur father

Friday, July 16, 2004

back to more interesting topics

do u know dat ms inge left
and in her place we have ariff chan
who is one friggin' cool dude
he has tunnel vision
and he is a chinese muslim
and our pracs are on FRIDAY AFTERNOONS!!!!
wonder how he rushes back to the mosque and come back
haha looks like we will still have bio teachers coming in late on fri afternoons.....

The opposite of Love is not hate

the opposite of love is not hate
it is indifference
the true opposite of love is indifference
and not hate
becoz hate is in itself an emotion as intense as love
hatred is not worth it when u are still giving as much intense attention to ur enemy
if u realli do not love him
be indifferent
hatred is a weird thing
it will bind 2 ppl together in ways love never could juz like love....only more intense, more raw
if u truly do not love indifferent to him
therefore be thankful that i m angry to u at all
for when i m indifferent to u
i realli dun like u

Monday, July 12, 2004

abt clubbing

i wish i m a girl

i wanna get free flow of drinks and get high and den get drunk

and den all the guys will rape me


mmm, wtf were those girls thinking man

Simulacra and Simulation


Baudrillard, Jean. SIMULACRA AND SIMULATION. Tr. Sheila Faria Glaser. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan. 1994. Originally published in French by Editions Galilee, 1981. 164 pages.

Essays include The Precession of Simulacra; History: A Retro Scenario; Holocaust (review); The China Syndrome (review); Apocalypse Now (review); The Beaubourg Effect: Implosion and Deterrence; Hypermarket and Hypercommodity; The Implosion of Meaning in the Media; Absolute Advertising, Ground-Zero Advertising; Clone Story; Holograms; Crash (review); Simulacra and Science Fiction; The Animals--Territory and Metamorphoses; The Remainder; The Spiraling Cadaver; Value's Last Tango; On Nihilism.
Baudrillard's idea of simulacra exemplifies the separation of an ideal existence and the existence apprehensible to the senses. This separation is fundamental to an understanding of the postmodern temper. The modernist temper preserved the semblance of an architectonic reality "behind" the reality that we deal with in the daily dimension. The modernist thought of the quotidian manifestat ion as a "copy" or reflection of the "really" real: this goes back to Plato. Baudrillard says that the "copy" has no original. The copy is all we have to go on.
Pages 1-7.
1. B. starts defining "precession of simulacra" with a contrast drawn from a Borges fable. In the fable, cartographers draw a map in such detail that it ends up exactly covering the real territory of the empire. The map frays as the empire declines. The reality and the abstraction (map) decline together. By contrast, today that pairing has disappeared. Abstractions are no longer "the map, the double, the mirror, or the concept." [1] No longer is there simulation of a "territory, a referential being, or a substance." [1] Instead, B. sees a "real without origin or reality" being generated "by models." [1] This is the hyperreal. In the hyperreal, (referring again to the Borges fable), the map "precedes the territory." [1] And this precessive map, or simulacrum, then "engenders the territory," such as it is.
The Borges fable thus is useful only as a contrast to current reality, not as an illustration of it. B. squeezes one more figurative meaning out of the fable, the notion of empire.
With this reference he turns his attention to the model builders, the simulators, identified above as the destroyers of a viable relationship between the real and the simulated. The simulators are imperialistic in that they "attempt to make the real, all of the real, coincide with their models of simulation." [2] In doing so, they destroy "the sovereign difference" between the map and the territory, the simulation and the real. He refers nostalgically to "the charm of abstraction" which has been lost along with the sense of difference between the two--"the poetry of the map and the charm of the territory." [2] These simulators operate on "nuclear and genetic" principles, not on the older principles, which were "specular and discursive." [2]
The "simulators" are the information technologies of today: "miniaturized cells, matrices, and memory banks, models of control." [2] They can produce and reproduce the "real," which now is the hyperreal, as many times as they like. They can do that because the hyperreal is no longer anchored to an ideal, to a territory.
In the hyperreality of pure simulacra, then, there is no more imitation, duplication, or parody. The simulator's model offers us "all the signs of the real" without its "vicissitudes." [2]
THE PROGRAMME makes the following observations on this densely packed two pages:
1. MODERN VS. POSTMODERN: In using the map/territory metaphor, B. draws an unmistakable line between the modern and the postmodern. When we enter the postmodern, we lose confidence in a referent rooted in old, traditional reality. B. describes this transition in historical terms. "Today, abstraction is no longer...." We give great weight to his specifity about the temporal character of what he describes. B. situates the transition to postmodern temper in an historical continuum.
2. CRITICAL THEORY: We find an unmistakable attitude of dismay in B.'s language in these pages. Words attached to the older relationship of map and territory are favorable: "charm," "magic." Words attached to the new hyperreality of simulacra are pejorative: metaphysics is "lost;" "liquidation" of referentials; "worse;" "deterring." B. here may be seen at the task that the Frankfurt School set for itself years before: to analyze social reality so closely that the analysis will burst it from within and reveal a new and better arrangement. B. belongs in the first rank of critical theorists because of the intention that his tone unmistakably identifies.
Under the subhead, "The Divine Irreference of Images," B. contrasts the meaning of "dissimulation" and "simulation" in order to clarify further his definition of the simulacra. To dissimulate is to pretend; in pretending, one imitates something real and thus affirms it: one "leaves the principle of reality intact." [3] To simulate, on the other hand, is "to feign to have what one doesn't have." [3] This destroys any connection to reality.
B. shows simulation in action in three different "terrains of simulation:" [3] medicine, the army, and religion. In the "simulacrum of divinity," he explains that the disputes over the value of icons points up the contemporary problem of simulacra. Iconoclasts were right, he says, because they saw that the icons (simulacra) would become omnipotent in themselves; they would efface God. The iconolaters, by contrast, thought that the icons could retain their representative function, standing in for God and not effacing him. When God himself could be simulated, "that is to say can be reduced to the signs that constitute faith," [4] then a "gigantic simulation" [5] results.
B. concludes this section by showing the successive phases of the movement toward simulation. We quote the entire passage because it is so basic to the understanding of his concept:
"[the image] is the reflection of a profound reality;
it masks and denatures a profound reality;
it masks the ABSENCE of a profound reality;
it has no relation to any reality whatsoever; it is its own pure simulacrum." [6]
With the disappearance of reality as it once was, nostalgia takes on critical importance.
THE PROGRAMME notes the connection between B.'s accounting for nostalgia and the new uses of the past seen in postmodern art, fiction, and history.

Sunday, July 11, 2004


for all u bored dudes out there

go download Naruto anime

firstly, its FREE AND LEGAL

secondly it rox

juz click on dis cool pic

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Satanist appeared on Channel U!!

i was watching channel U juz now

it was "THE NEXT BIG THING" show...

then wtf
one of the contestant was wearing a inverted cross and all black attire




thank God she got kicked out


holy water.

how do u make holy watER?

ans: you take the hell out of it

wtf? communist?

the star up there reminds me of communism

wat a disgusting pw topic

First conspiracy theory

you know rite

when i was doing my @^#(*@&)($&@%&_@#* rjc tutorials...
i realised something

how can all those not-so-shen jc come out with so bloody hard questions...

i mean in the first place...their students might not even be able to answer a simple question like 1.1 + 2.2 = 5

they might take it like 1.1 + 2.2 = 3.3 and not (1 x 1) + (2 x 2) = 5

hahaha but i digress


back to those f---ing hard questions from jcs like YJC and CJC...
(one wonders why those questions are ahem f---ing hard, wats dat change the lightbulb joke for cjc again? )

the f-ing questions are so f-ing hard not becoz they want to screw their students so dat they can't go harvard or yale
since they can easily do so with any simple question taken off a pri sch kid textbook (eg. mary have 1 apple and she puts it into a basket. how mani oranges are there in the basket now)
therefore there is a purpose to setting such hard question


the truth is...they wanna get onto the golden roll of tutorial-setting shens....that is to appear in the TOP JC's TUTORIAL and SUCCEED IN SCREWING THE TOP STUDENTS OF SINGAPORE...

unfortunately they forgot the top JC is not made up of singaporeans alone....its made up of china mama with mother long armpit hair too....and this CJB or commonly known as china JB *ahem* are the heros that save the day....but that is another story best left for another day...

nella signing off

remember, the f---ing truth is f---ing out there.
(esplanade at 3am)


this is juz an introduction...

will be writing all my interesting outlook on life here

all those kaypoh bitches out there....u wont find much abt my personal life here...

i m only writing dis blog to release all my conspiracy theories before they die with me. (and hopefully die with a government agent too.)

have fun

time to counter those depressive blogs

and come up with more quirky ones
